
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Scrapbooking

This Sunday was spent resting from my birthday celebrations (thanks all!) Last Sunday though, I had a chance to spend a little bit of time with my sweet sis-in-law Crystal and get some scrapbooking done. I purposely brought some old photos that I had been putting off to the side and finally got them put to paper and they turned out great.

First Up - Kickball photos from our 2008 team.
I used the index photos to get a couple more on the page and I used the red circles that looked a lot like a kickball to add some fun facts about our team.

Next Up a photo of Jeff and I at his sisters wedding circa 2005.

I added felt hearts and used a black pen to make it look like I stitched the title on the page.

Then there were these adorable photos of Burt right after we brought him. Once day I found him snuggled into the corner of the couch and he still stretches out now just like he did then.

Lastly I had this picture my cousin took at one of our family reunion a few years back. She had us dress up in old clothes and took the photo in sepia. I used some monochromatic papers and gold ink to keep the look going.

To another creative week!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Think Big, Make It Happen!

What a great time on Saturday girls! A bunch of us got together to create our goal boards for 2010. The theme for mine was think BIG, Make It Happen. Here's a glimpse below.

The girls... who doesn't love magazines, glue, a bit of glitter and friends. That has to put you in a good mood!

The best part of the night was when Debbie thought Lipstick Jungle was coming back on T.V. then realized it was an old copy of Cosmo. You are soo cute!


P.S. Officially signed up for knitting class on Feb. 3rd and have my first project picked out which is inspired by a White House Black Market pocket Scarf. I'll try to find a photo to post here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow storms and Crafting

So we are getting our first real storm this winter, which works out great, because what better time to stay inside and do some fun crafting! This weekend's plans include signing up for my knitting class at Joanne's and of course while I am there I should look around. As well as making my 2010 goal board and a bit of scrapbooking. This means getting organized tomorrow night - another great thing to do when its yucky outside.

Stay tuned for weekend updates!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Looking Ahead (Part 2)

Okay, so I took my first stab a PsE today... and tada... you can see the results to your left on my profile picture and below in my before and afters...don't I have a certain glow now :-). This is going to take a little practice and a ton of tutorials, I already have a book requested for my birthday from Jeff to help the process along.

Next up - Signing up for knitting classes and creating my 2010 goal board (with friends of course since that makes it so much more fun!) Looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend for some crafty fun and here's hoping this cold isn't with me!



Friday, January 1, 2010

Vote for Burt

Okay so I know this isn't exactly creative related, but...

I entered our cute puppy into a contest, click on his entry and vote for him, starting on Jan 8.

Here's the photo your looking for.

MVP Pet Photo Contest sponsored by BISSELL, maker of pet vacuum cleaners.

Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Part 1)

As we welcome the new year, it is always a good time to look back and appreciate all the great things that happened and say goodbye to those things that were less desirable. 2009 included many travels for work, including 2 trips to CA, NJ, KY and a couple others.

Laguna Beach, CA

Also, I had my big dirty 30 birthday - thanks to everyone who came and celebrated.

We went to a Valentine's dance to raise money for Hunter's football team.

And that was just in the first 2 months! 2009 included adopting our little Chimmy, visiting my best bud Sally in her new home in El Paso, Tx and welcoming BNanna aka Sydney to the world in September.

Despite a few disappointments, overall 2009 was a decent year and the Dunn family is looking forward to a spectacular 2010. Cheers!