Who says you need to start something with an end result in mind. Today I'm home sick so it seemed like a good use of time to finally get this blog up and running! I look forward to sharing all my creative endeavors with you.
So here's whats on the "list" for 2010
1. Keep scrapbooking and making cards
2. Take a knitting class
3. Paint again (haven't done that in a while)
4. Read
5. Remodel and organize my scrap room
6. teach (this ought to be interesting)
7. Learn Adobe Photoshop Elements
8. Get a new camera and REALLY learn how to use it
9. Write
10. Have fun!
That should keep me pretty busy in my "free" time!
Watch for a look back on some of my 2009 pages I've completed and for my 2010 goal board in the coming weeks.
I am glad to hear about the painting that may possibly get back underway:)
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