My dear father-in-law Greg is kind enough to scan in my scrap pages for me, so he just finished with the last batch... it was so cute when he asked if he was all caught up or if I had since made more pages...sorry Dad there will always be more!! (And yes I am going to get some done with you in them - I'm thinking we need to recruit Dawn for some family pictures... Jeff and I haven't done them since you last took them)
So I have gotten a few pages done over the last couple weeks. I used some of my loot from my prize.
Lucky Me with my sis and Holdan
This one cracks me up, just because Burt and Chimmy are brothers from different mothers and not really friends, this is a rare occasion that Jeff caught on camera of them snuggling about a week after we adopted Chimmy, it really hasn't happened since then... maybe I need to change the title to Part time friends....hmmm
I am going to be working on a special project for Camp Staley in honor of Grandpa Staley, who recently left the good earth to join our Father in heaven. Love you grandpa!